FR-Mic 200 nm - 1020 nm spectral range

FR-Mic 200 nm - 1020 nm spectral range

Product description

FR-Mic is the modular optical column for fast & accurate coating characterization applications that require spot size as small as few micrometers, Typical examples include (but not limited to): micro-patterned surfaces, rough surfaces and numerous others. It can be combined with a dedicated computer controlled XY stage, allowing the automated thickness & optical properties mapping of samples fast, easily and accurately.

FR-Mic provides:

  • Real-time spectroscopic measurements
  • Film thickness, optical properties, non-uniformity measurements, thickness mapping
  • Imaging with an integrated, USB connected and high-quality color camera

With FR-Mic, local measurement of film thickness, optical constants, reflectance, transmission, and absorbance across any spectral regime within UV / VIS / NIR spectral range, is just a matter of a click.

FR-Mic can be either mounted on FR-pRo or next to FR-pRo when large surfaces need to be characterized.


  • Single-click analysis (no need for initial guess)
  • Dynamic measurements
  • Optical parameters (n & k, color)
  • Save videos for presentations
  • Multiple installations for off-line analysis
  • Free of-charge Software update


  • Univ. & Research labs
  • Semiconductors (Oxides, Nitrides, Si, Resists, etc.)
  • Life Sciences
  • MEMS devices (Photoresists, Si membranes, etc.)
  • LEDs, VCSELs
  • Data Storage
  • Anodization
  • Hard/Soft coatings on curved substrates
  • Polymer coatings, adhesives, etc.
  • Biomedical (parylene, balloon wall thickness, etc.)
  • And many more... (contact us with your requirements)

Principle of Operation
White Light Reflectance Spectroscopy (WLRS) measures the amount of light reflected from a film or a multilayer stack over a spectral range, with the incident light normal (perpendicular) to the sample surface.

The measured reflectance spectrum, produced by interference from the individual interfaces is being used to determine the thickness, optical constants (n & k), etc. of free-standing and supported (on transparent or partially/fully reflective substrates) stack of films.


FR-Mic 200 nm - 1020 nm spectral range

Choose your version:
Real-time spectroscopic measurements
Film thickness, optical properties, non-uniformity measurements, thickness mapping
Imaging with an integrated, USB connected and high-quality color camera


Product Number
Version of
Thickness range
4 nm to 70 μm
Spectral range
200 nm - 1020 nm
Light Source MTBF
Balanced Deuterium & Halogen (internal) (Not included!)
System type
Table-top system
Request information